Ok this blog is super old, but I'm back at it and I promise to post regularly! For my first blog post in 6 years, I am going to start with a philosophy question that I'd love to hear feedback on:
What is more important... today... or tomorrow? And why?
What is more important... today... or tomorrow? And why?
Labels: philosophy, priorities
At January 20, 2011 at 3:45 PM,
littlerobin said…
Are we doing your homework for you ;)
I would say tomorrow. I'm not looking at the day tomorrow itself, but tomorrow as in the future. So much of my day today, is wrapped up in my hope of a future. My purpose is to make the most of today, because the present is, in light of tomorrow, just a vapor, a passing mist.
You should expect a religion laced comment coming from me. haha.
By the way, I have often wanted to start a blog just for my rants, prayers, musings. I'm glad you did.
At January 20, 2011 at 6:33 PM,
Unknown said…
I think today is the most important. Jesus basically had the philosophy that you should take one day at a time.
I like this quote:
"Action without planning is the cause of all failure. Action with
planning is the cause of all success." I think if we take each day as a gift, and have a plan...then days will be more productive, meaningful, and happy.
At January 23, 2011 at 8:54 AM,
Unknown said…
I asked this question to Michael and Jana. Here are their answers:
Michael- "Well what did we do today?"
Jana- "Tomorrow... Today... because I love you."
At January 25, 2011 at 12:47 PM,
S said…
I have to agree with Andrea. I think today is the most important. Our "todays" are what determine how good - or bad - our "tomorrows" will be! :)
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