Too many injuries
The kids are in an "injury phase". It happens from time to time. We can go months without any injuries and then have 5 in a single day. A few weeks ago Jana burned her hands badly on a pellet stove. Then about an hour later she did it again. The burns immediately blistered on the backs of five fingers (some on each hand). Jana was just swinging her arms around and happened to hit a really hot part of the stove somehow
Jana still has noticeable scars from her burns, but they are going away. Two days ago Jana was in the tub. She didn't believe me when I told her how sharp my razor was to when I wasn't looking she ran her finger across it. You know when you cut yourself with something super sharp and it cuts so clean that you don't immediately feel it? That's what happened. So she sat there with my sharp new 5 blade razor and ran it back and forth across her finger tip. She completely ribboned the skin. She only noticed it when it started to ooze blood. By the time she started screaming she had already shaken her hand around and the whole tub and shower were spattered with blood like a crime scene. Here is a pic of her finger the day after.
So yesterday on the way to the school bus, Michael tripped on the front stairs of our deck and landed on the concrete landing straight onto his knee. Then on the way home from school as he got off the bus, an SUV (teenage driver) came out of nowhere and nearly hit him in the crosswalk. He had to leap back at the last second. I was across the street, and I was so scared I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tonight, the kids were jumping around in their beds and managed to bonk heads really hard. Here's Jana's fresh black eye.
I am going to be embarrassed to take her anywhere! She looks mangled! I'm tired of explaining these bizarre injuries to her preschool teacher.
P.S. I just got off the phone with poison control because Jana decided to bite through her (reusable) ice pack and drink half the liquid. Thank goodness Matt just came home from school. I have had enough drama for one day. Thank you. Now where is the Chardonnay?
At January 31, 2011 at 8:26 AM,
Kelly said…
I wonder if it is an age thing. My dear son manages to injure himself frequently lately as well. Jumping on the bed, climbing on Rubbermaid tubs, jumping off his dresser... and the list goes on! It is really a wonder that kiddos survive!
At February 3, 2011 at 10:43 AM,
Slightly Befuddled said…
Good grief woman! I'd be needing some alcohol after a week like that too lol. What did poison control say?
At February 10, 2011 at 3:51 PM,
Unknown said…
I have to call poison control quite regularly unfortunately. Jana loves to "try" new things. Poison control said that the ice pack i described would have non-toxic fluid in it. I've also had to call about Jana eating marigolds, glow sticks, pool chemicals, ice melt, and a silica gel packet from a shoe box. She has no access to pool chemicals except that she licked the patio where the pool guy had spilled a little pile of chemical crystals. Same thing with the ice melt. She licked the concrete steps that had ice melt on them. You are 4 years old Jana. Time to stop licking the ground!! Ironically, she generally doesn't like to eat actual food.
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