
Sunday, May 29, 2016

West Ridge Trail- Lory State Park

Wow, we are almost completely done with our goal of hiking every mile of trail in Lory State Park. Literally the only bit left is the Mill Creek Trail. Today was a fantastic 6.5 mile hike. Matt came along. We saw deer, butterflies, birds, insects, bunnies... and a wild turkey! I finished the hike at 7:40pm. We started late and I was tired before we started. My feet hurt so bad the last 2.5 miles. I had to stop a few times and put them up. They felt full of blood. Ouch! I was so happy on my way down the trail when I saw the wild turkey. It was a nice distraction from my sore feet. I just love the smell of the forest. Our forest here smells like a cake baking! Smell a ponderosa pine. Delicious! We did West Ridge Trail where we had a perfect view of Longs Peak and the snow capped mountains of the continental divide. We also hiked Arthur's Rock including a scramble to the top. From the top we could see nearly the full 9 miles of the length of Horsetooth Reservoir. The water was shimmering and mesmerizing. Gorgeous! We also hiked a bit of the Timber Trail today and a leg of the Howard trail. We saw 3 trail cameras. Loads of people on Arthur's Rock trail, but everything else was remote and secluded. We heard a little thunder and saw lightening in the distance. Matt and Michael stayed up there at a remote campsite for the night. They took precautions with bears including hanging their food in a tree 200 feet away from their tent. Hope they have a fantastic night. I will be hiking with them again in the morning. Dear God please let my feet recover overnight for our 8 mile AM hike!!!


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